Newsletter —December 2020

Dear friends,

As the pandemic continues to take its toll everywhere in the world, Egypt is currently being hit by a second wave of contamination. It is impossible to know the exact number of patients suffering of Covid-19 because, the cost of a PCR test being almost 150 euros, only a tiny percentage of Egyptians are able to be tested. In this context, and just like the trees in our garden (photo) which have undergone a severe pruning, you will understand that our activities are running a little slow. But while we decided not to organize any more seminars, the library remains open to the readers, with the necessary health measures. We wish you all a happy new year 2021. May the regained serenity allow you to make exciting discoveries and fruitful encounters.


On December 1ˢᵗ, Dominique Avon gave a lecture entitled “Modesty in the discourse of men of religion (19ᵗʰ‒21ˢᵗ centuries)”, during a conference entitled “Islam and Modesty” organized by the FNRS (National Fund for Scientific Research).

On December 15ᵗʰ, Emmanuel Pisani, OP participated in a discussion with Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi on the Coran des historiens (Paris: Cerf, 2019), as part of the CéSor debates organized by the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS).

Evening study session

On December 16ᵗʰ, Emmanuel Pisani, OP led with Paul Airiau, François Bousquet and Cédric Baylocq an evening study session on the topic of “Religions and secularism: the challenge of intransigence” in partnership with the association the Friends of the IDEO and the newspaper La Croix, and with the participation of Anne-Bénédicte Hoffner and Bertrand Wallon.


On December 1ˢᵗ, we welcomed for lunch bishop Claudio Lurati, newly appointed for the Latin-rite Catholics in Egypt.

On December 2ⁿᵈ, we welcomed Ms. Pilar Villanueva, First Counsellor of the Spanish Embassy in Cairo, and Mr. Cándido Creis Estrada, Cultural Counsellor.


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